发布时间:2009-12-18    浏览次数:6635    【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】
网络时代的财务报告是一种精妙绝伦的新旧结合。500多年历史的复式账簿会计仍然在当前财务报告的主体框架中扮演着重要的角色,而信息技术所带来的种种变革又迫切要求传统的财务报告在揭示方式上能有一个全新的时空观,网络财务报告便应运而生。当前的网络财务报告在形式方面仍然存在着种种弊端,急需采用先进的技术进行改进。2000年以来,XBRL(eXtensible Business Reporting Language,可扩展的商业报告语言)——一种专门用于网络财务报告编制、交换和使用的计算机技术,被国内外学者誉为改进网络财务报告的革命性技术。关于引入XBRL技术改进网络财务报告的研究方兴未艾,但基于XBRL的网络财务报告改进的有效性如何,尚属研究空白。

Financial reporting in the network era has been regarded as a fabulously combination of the traditional and the new style. Although the double entry book-keeping still plays an important role in the financial reporting systemthe innovation originating from the information technology urgently demands some fresh conceptions on financial reporting. As a resultInternet Financial ReportingIFRnaturally comes up. Howeverthe presentation of IFRIFR-Pis unsatisfactoryso the advanced technology is being applied to improve it. XBRL Extensible Business Reporting Language),a new technology used for the preparationexchange and comparison of the financial reportinghas been widely praised as “the innovative technology for improving IFR” since 2000. Still the validity of the improvement on XRBL-based IFR in China is worth discussing.   
Based on the Accounting Objective theorywhich is also called as the Behavioral Accounting Theorythis paper constructs a framework for analyzing the validity of the improvement on financial reportingand discusses the issues concerning the improvement on XRBL-based IFR, such as the demand tendencyadded valueand supply restricted factors by using the questionnaire survey and experimental study. The main conclusions are drawn as follows:
Firstthe interested parties of financial reporting have demand tendency concerning the improvement on XRBL-based IFR. The questionnaire survey shows that the interested parties are in demand for the applying of XBRL. A further analysis shows that the demands of the interested parties focus on the standardization of financial data. Luckily, the advantages of XBRL, such as inter-platforms operation various output and extensibility, can satisfy their needs. Thereforethe interested parties’ desire for the improvement of IFR indirectly reflects the demand of the applying of XBRL.
SecondlyXBRL can add value on the improvement of IFR. The experimental study attests that the non-professional investors’ ability to acquire and integrate information enhanced greatly under the XRBL-based IFR modewhich indicates that the “transparency” of the XRBL-based IFR will be improved significantly. Using the Bayesian modelit is proved that value is added by the applying of XBRL-based IFR.
Lastlythe improvement of XRBL-based IFR is restricted by many supply factors. With the help of identification and classification of factors that influence the improvement of IFRthe questionnaire survey shows that many factors influence the decision of the listed company to use XBRL. These factors are listed as follows: organization aspectregulatory bodiescost and riskthe motivation for benefitstechnology and market. Furthermore, the extent of their influence on the listed companies differs, depending on the size and industry of the company.
The paper also has some policy significances. In other wordsthere exists effective demand in the improvement on XRBL-based IFR in Chinabut its supply is insufficient. The contradiction between supply and need has to be well coordinated by the regulatory body.
Key wordsXBRLInternet Financial Reporting IFR);ValidityDemand Tendency Value Added Conditionality Factors 


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