发布时间:2009-12-18    浏览次数:5143    【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】
本研究首先考察了我国A股市场中的确存在根据异常应计项目策略套利的现象,即存在应计异象。然后,利用开放式股票型基金持有股票的权重及基金回报等数据,考察在扣除了实际交易成本后,开放式股票型基金根据异常应计项目策略进行交易,能否获取显著的超额回报。结果发现最低AIM值的,也就是最积极利用异常应计项目策略的这一等级的(投资组合偏重于低应计项目股票的前10%的基金)开放式股票型基金,对低应计项目股票有较高偏好。同时,相较于其它等级基金而言,该等级基金持股特性倾向于持有规模较小、低账面市值比及低成长的股票。然后进一步估算了这一等级的基金在扣除实际交易成本后其每年的Fama-French 三因子及Carhart四因子模型的alpha值,即所赚得的超额回报为8.75%和6.84%。从而证明了对于样本期间的我国A股市场而言,开放式股票型基金如果以异常应计项目策略来从事交易,是能够从中获取超额利润的。

In this study, using data on both fund stockholdings and fund returns, we examine whether open-ended equity funds in China trade on and profit from the accruals anomaly after taking account the actual transaction costs. We found that mutual funds might trade on this anomaly. The top 10% of open-ended equity funds that have the highest portfolio weights in low accruals stocks have a greater exposure to low-accruals stocks. Relative to other funds, these funds tend to hold stocks with lower market capitalizations, lower sales growth, and higher book-to-market ratio. Nonetheless, these funds make significant profit net of actual transaction costs, exhibiting an average Fama-French three-factor alpha of 8.75% per year. Overall, the result suggests that open-ended equity funds may trade on and profit from the accruals anomaly actually in China.
Even though open-ended equity funds are able to trade by using accrual strategy to gain significant returns, the persistence of accrual strategy does not seem to hold out. After using this strategy for two years, mutual funds seem not to have a greater exposure to low-accruals stocks. In addition, we also found that the accruals anomaly’s top 10% mutual funds determined by the investment portfolio since these funds are smaller, more diversified, and exhibit higher fund return volatility. This may explain why these funds would only use this strategy for the first two years for trading rather than use it continuously for several years to gain returns.
Key words: accrual anomaly, open-ended equity fund, obnormal returns, Fama-French three-factor alpha


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