发布时间:2009-12-18    浏览次数:5041    【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】

Performance evaluation is one of the three pillars of the modern enterprises’ control systems and it is one of the key systems for completion enterprise strategic and creation value. The VBM-based performance evaluation is the development direction of enterprise evaluation. So an in-depth research about it will be great help to promote the development of theory and practice of enterprise evaluation.
There are three innovations in this paper. The first, to bring forward the four elements for an ideal enterprise evaluation system, they are clear objective, integrative indicator, value-drivers and value mind. The second, to bring forward that the rate of shareholder value growth (RSVG) is the ideal integrative indicator for enterprise performance. The third, to construct two levels of VBM-based performance evaluation systems: enterprise level and operational level. This can not only evaluate overall enterprise performance but also improve business operation from many operational value-drivers. This can help to create enterprise value and shareholder value.
There are five opinions in this paper. The first, the objective of enterprise evaluation is to spur enterprise to create the largest shareholder value. The second, there are many differences between VBM and VM. The third, value-driver is the core of VBM-based performance evaluation systems. The fourth, the enterprise performance evaluation system of SASAC is not the strategic management level evaluation, and it only replaced few indicators for original indicators system. The fifth, VBM-based performance evaluation system can overcome most of the shortcomings of the previous enterprise performance evaluation systems.
After the research, the following main conclusions are obtained: The ideal enterprise performance evaluation system is that can evaluate enterprise performance in one indicator which is the rate of shareholder value growth (RSVG).At the same time, it should can be diagrammatized in the form of “value map”, which can help to find out value drivers in operational level. Only this can get the goal to improve operational behavior, create shareholder value. The VBM-based performance evaluation system is the ideal mode and the development direction of enterprise performance evaluation.
Key WordsPerformance EvaluationValue DriversShareholder Value


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