发布时间:2009-12-8    浏览次数:10536    【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】


关键词:亏损异质 财务价值 驱动因素 亏损逆转 投资者预期

Up to now, scholars’ exploration related to loss listed companies most focus on the analysis of the reasons for their loss and their motives and methods of earnings management, involving less study on assessing the value of a loss of listed companies. Does a loss in annual reports mean the loss listed company's share price fall? Does accounting profit reflect a loss of a listed company's true value? What is the value of loss listed companies? The continuity of loss, a variety of topical events by the report disclosed, would have an impact on the value of loss listed companies?If so, what is the impacting mechanism? Some scholars abroad gave a number of explanations, such as the theory of abandon option, the theory of adjustment option, the theory of breach contract options. However, China's capital market is not mature, with strong political and administrative intervention. Whether these theories can be adapted to the domestic capital market? If not, how to evaluate the value of loss listed companies in China?This article is with answers to these questions, carrying out in-depth study on value drivers of the loss listed companies in China. I think that investors willing to bear the loss than that of other stocks higher risk due to the existence of a huge potential value of loss stock. Because of a variety of surface material factors, and when the time comes, the loss of listed companies is likely to occur the "transformation" from Crow to Phoenix, providing substantial returns for investors. As a result, on the base of subdivision on loss, from the point of view of the market investors’ expectation, this article used the theory of expectation and financial evaluation and explored and analyzed various types of value drivers of the loss listed company and carried out an in-depth study on the mechanism how different drivers affect the value of different types of loss listed companies. On this basis, this article put forward relevant policy recommendations. In particular, the full text can be divided into the following sections.
The first part was the introduction (including the first chapter).It elaborated the research background, purpose, meaning and content of this article, raised the research ideas, compared and analyzed the various concepts involving in the value of companies; put forward the concept of financial value, overall framework and innovation. It defined the basic concepts of the field for follow-up research provided the necessary theoretical groundwork and the premise of analysis.
The second part was the theoretical analysis (including the second chapters). It made clear the connotation of the financial value, analyzed the theory of investors’ expectation, the theory of value assessment, and summarized and analyzed all types of theories of value assessment for the loss of listed companies at home and abroad. Specifically it was divided into three aspects, such as, the correlation study stage between simply accounting earnings and stock price, the exploratory stage of the relevant factors affecting the accounting earnings value and the exploratory stage of the factors affecting the value of a loss of listed companies.
The third part was the empirical research (including the three, Fourth, V, VI, VII). The three chapter from four levels including the history of losses, the company's financial position, pay dividends and investors expectation factor, selected 18 targets as variable options, and in the process of using logistic regression methods to choose from the 4 dependent variables significantly impacting variables, and then selected 168 listed companies loss occurred in the 2005 as samples, carried out Logistic regression testing respectively to loss reverse sample group (127) and non-reversal sample group (41), and established the final-based Logistic regression loss reverse identify model of the listed company.
The fourth chapter first theoretically analyzed financial value drivers for vision-based loss companies, and then selected vision-based loss listed companies meeting the conditions “EPS<0, BVPS≥0, EPCF≥0” from 2003 to 2007 occurred loss as samples, empirically analyzed how earnings per share, per share net asset, per share of net operating cash flow, the reconstruction of the events anticipated,  expected related-party transactions, expected executives change and major shareholders expected to rescue affect the value of vision-based loss listed companies. The study found that earnings per share had significant negative drive to the financial value of a vision-based loss listed company, per share of net operating cash flow, the reconstruction of the events anticipated, the dividend payment, shareholders are expected to rescue have significantly positive effects-driven to the financial value vision-based loss listed companies.
Chapter V first theoretically analyzed financial value drivers for Xianyu-based loss companies, and then selected Xianyu-based loss companies meeting the conditions “EPS<0, BVPS≥0, EPCF<0” from 2003 to 2007 occurred loss as samples, carried out empirical analysis, tested that the earnings per share, per share net asset, per share of net operating cash flow, marketing investment, training expenses, knowledge and capability development costs occurred or not, the assets of the special expenses, and so on, all affect the value of Xianyu-based loss listed companies. The study found that per share net asset, spending R & D, training expenses and sales growth rate of expenditure had significant positive effects-driven to the financial value of Xianyu-based loss listed companies, earnings per share, per share net operating cash flow, marketing investment, knowledge and capacity development expenses occurred or not, special capital expenditure had no significant driving role.
Chapter VI first theoretically analyzed financial value drivers for cycle-based loss companies, and then selected cycle-based loss companies meeting the conditions “EPS<0, BVPS<0, EPCF≥0” from 2003 to 2007 occurred loss as samples, empirically tested that earnings per share, asset quality, book value of rights and interests (adjusted net assets per share), loss continuity, cash flow (per share of net operating cash flow), expected cycle of the economy, expected development of the industry and so on, all affected the value of cycle-based loss listed companies. The study found, EPS, the book value of rights and interests , continuity of loss state, expected development of the industry had no significant effect to the financial value of cycle-based loss companies, cash flow from operations, asset quality, the expected economic cycle had significant positive effect of driving to the financial value of cycle-based loss listed companies.
Chapter VII first theoretically analyzed financial value drivers for critical loss companies, and then selected critical loss companies meeting the conditions “EPS<0, BVPS<0, EPCF<0” from 2003 to 2007 occurred loss as samples, empirically tested that earnings per share, per share of net operating cash flow, expected to sell the shell, the liquidation value of the options (adjusted net assets per share), governmental remedy, debt settlement or extension and so on, all affected the value of critical loss listed companies. The study found that accounting earnings, per share of net operating cash-flow had no significant impact on the financial value of critical loss listed companies, the expectation to sell the shell, the liquidation value of the options, the governmental remedy had significant positive drive effect to financial value of the critical loss listed companies. The reason may be that for critical for-loss company, investors are not concerned about their own company's profitability, but more concerned about the external factors, such as the value of the shell resource, the liquidation value of the options, the government remedy, and so on.
The fourth part of the research included conclusions and policy proposals (including Chapter). Chapter summarized the main conclusions of the full text. At the same time, it pointed out the future prospects for research on the basis of limitations of this paper, made the final relevant policy recommendations.
The major innovation of this article is shown as following:
(1) It put forwad and made clear the concept of the company's financial value on the basis of in the comparison and analysis of the various the concept of companies’ value, and established a revised model of the financial value of the Q index to represent the size of the financial value. It put forward the concept of the value of financial companies at the same time from the perspective of external and internal perspective to analyze the value of the company as a whole, where the financial value inclueded both the value of company's external support from the outside perspective to see but also company's internal potential value from the perspective of that, so the concept of the financial value was regarded as a combination of the concept of market value and intrinsic value.
 (2) It brought up for the first time the concept of loss heterogeneous, loss track of and so on. Taking into account the heterogeneity of the companies' loss, it divided loss corporpations into four types of vision-type, investment-type, cycle-type and critical-type loss from the two dimensions of net asset per share and net operating cash flow per share. And it made a loss segmentation study on the various nature and features of various companies using four-quadrant analysis.
 (3) It established a model based on Logistic regression analysis to identify loss reversal of the listed company. The model took into account the loss company's history in the past, current status and future development, and analyzed of the factors influening the reversal of the loss companies in terms of the company's internal operations and the external point of investor’s expectations at the same time. It concluded the key factors to determine the possibility of the reversal of loss listed companies, including whether the companies’ loss was the first occurred, whether the loss was more than the accumulated surplus three years ago, whether the dividend was paid, the company's sales growth, sales margin, asset liability ratio and whether the re-occurrence of the incident, and so on.
(4) It analyzed the drivers to the company's financial value applying the theory of investor’s expectations and assession the financial value. It considered the perspective of both micro-level internal variables, such as earnings per share, per share, net operating cash flow, assets liabilities, restructuring and other factors, and the macro level of external variables, such as government subsidies, economic cycles, such factors as the degree of economic sectors. It revealed the difference of key factors driving the financial value of various loss companies.
Key words:Loss heterogeneous Financial value Drivers Loss reversal Investor’s expectations


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