发布时间:2009-12-18    浏览次数:5053    【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】
关键词:终止经营 确认 计量 列报 会计加总理论 事项理论

At present, there are many cases about discontinued operations in enterprises all over the world. Because discontinued operations and continued operations need different types of accounting methods, it is urgent to bring out a set of accounting criterion to obtain comparability, reality and integrality. Now, the group of accountants pays more attention to the accounting problem of discontinued operations. This paper compares IFRSs with accounting standards in other main countries, such as FASs, summarizes the concept of discontinued operations, enumerates sorts of discontinued operations and finally finds out a set of accounting methods that fits the situation of China. As for the problem of presentation, this paper exerts the accounting aggregation theory, events theory and positive externalities theory,and finds out the suitable contents and reasonable mode in presenting the information of discontinued operations.
Key words: discontinued operations; recognition; measurement; presentation accounting aggregation theory events theory


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