发布时间:2009-12-18    浏览次数:5546    【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】
关键词:信息 会计信息 公司治理 财务会计信息 管理会计信息
Information performs an important role in corporate governance system and the effective function of all the governance mechanisms must be based on abundant information collected in time. One objective in the governance of a company is to harmonize the relationship among different interest groups and the problem of the first importance here is how to reach the agreement in terms of their objectives and interests between investors as the entrusting party and agents. Information, particularly accounting information, plays a fundamental role in the interest coordination mechanism mentioned above.
In present corporate governance system, accounting exercises its duty through the disclosure of financial accounting information. This paper discusses the scope and frequency of financial accounting information functioning in corporate governance. As for the scope of information disclosure, annual report, which discloses financial accounting information of great importance, is still a kind of mandatory report at present and it reflects the basic demand for information of different governance groups in a company. In this background, broad-scope of accounting information disclosure can decrease the information asymmetry in stock market. Meanwhile, due to the broad scope of financial disclosure, the different governance groups in a company need more time to digest the new information in accounting reports and compare with those companies with narrow-scope information disclosure, and companies with broad-scope information disclosure, in the long run, can effectively reduce information asymmetry. From the perspective of frequency, this paper finds that the asymmetry of market information is not reduced statistically after the accounting standard of quarterly accounting reports is implemented, but it is found statistically that nonsked reports will help to increase entrusting party’s understanding of company operation effectively.
Although the disclosure of financial accounting information can reduce the information asymmetry on the stock market, due to its hysteresis, it can only provide consequential information of company’s operation and thus impairs its effect and function in the administration system of company. Managerial accounting, theoretically, can provide the proceeding information for the corporate governance system and therefore optimize the economic decision action in time or even realtimely, and it is supported by the model regression results. Aimed at the defect in financial accounting system, this paper adopted the questionnaire to investigate investors’ demand for managerial accounting information. The result of the research demonstrates that managerial accounting can provide proceeding and regulating information and avoid the hysteresis of financial information, the deficiency of non-accounting information and the defect of regulation. In short, this paper provides empirical support to prove the effective function of management accounting in corporate governance system.
This paper’s conclusion is to help governance groups utilize information effectively, provides theoretical support for the optimized governance of company and works as reference for supervision of stock market.
Key words: information, accounting information, corporate governance, financial accounting information, managerial accounting information



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