发布时间:2009-12-8    浏览次数:9103    【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】


The term "financial restatements" refers to the behavior that listed companies restate their previously published financial reports when they discover and correct errors of prior periods. Many scholars point out that the occurrence of financial restatements has a negative effect on the capital market, which may result in capital loss and bring the listed companies a series of adverse economic consequences. As a representation of the listed firms’ earnings manipulation, financial restatements mirror the weaknesses and low efficiency in corporate governance mechanism. Therefore, a major concern is what companies are more likely to restate their finnancial reports and what are the governance characteristics of these companies. Proceeding from property rights structure, the core of corporate governance, this paper probes into the ownership structures that may lead to a greater possibility of financial restatements in hope of discovering a property structure more efficient for corporate governance. Meanwhile, with the home listed firms for subjects, this paper discusses the relationship between financial statements and ownership structure as well as the relationship with independent audit to provide some hard.evidence for improving corporate governance efficiency. Following this, some personal suggestions are given to the related sides in the capital market. This paper consists of six chapters. They are as follows: The first chapter is an introduction. The paper introduces the origin of the study and reviews all the major literature at home and abroad on the research results.On that basis, the paper proposes the positive significance of the study and outlines the logical frame of the paper.
The second chapter is the theoretical foundation of the study. In this chapter, firstly, the author briefly reviews property rights theory and the theory of corporate governance. A combination of the theories and financial restatements lays down the theoretical foundation. Then, an introduction of the development of domestic enterprises is given, indicating the important influence under the historical background. Next, an analysis is carried out on demestic enterprises’ problems in forms of ownership structure and independent audit. Lastly, an expected influence the ownership structure and independent audit will have on financial restatements is expressed. 
The third chapter is an description over the problems in demestic financial restatements. In the first place, the author previews the historical evolution of financial restatements system to locate the range of research. Combining our country’s present reality, the writer then classifies the mechanism that may bring about financial restatements. According to the considerations above, the author expounds how to set up the research sample and describes the year, industry, region in the construction of the sample so that an overall image can be presented on the current situation of financial restatement problems in our country.
The fourth chapter is an empirical study on the relationship between financial restatements and ownership struture. It starts with the significance of the study on ownship structure, and regarding the cross-influence given by two dummies, the nature of stockholders and the state of control rights, it classifies the sample into four categories. Through a comparative analysis of the sample, it reveals that companies under different ownership structures result in different governance efficiency. Finally, a summary is made over the report of the research results.
The fifth chapter is another empirical study on the relationship between financial restatements and independent audit. The necessity of a research on independent audit is given at the very beginning, then on the basis of past researches, it builds models for the study of independent audit from the viewpoint of financial restatements. The author carries out a research on audiors’ competence and probes into the audit independence under the influence of geo-connection. In the end, the author reports and summarizes all the empirical results. The sixth chapter serves as a summary. It gives an overview on the above reseraches, pointing out the contributions as well as limits in the study. Moreover, it explains how the research results shed enlightments on theory and practice, and points to the direction for further study.
To sum up, the study findings are: compared with partially-owned companies, state-owned holding companies have a significantly lower chance of developing financial restatements, which proves the Free Rider theory, namely, in the case of share scattering, the listed companies’ inner controllers are more likely to have surplus management with the existence of the “free rider” behaviors. While under the circumstance of absolute controlling rights, listed companies whose ultimate controller is non-state-owned have a lower possibility of developing financial restatements than state-owned companies. The finding verifies Owner’s Absence Theory, that is, with the absence of state-owned shares’ ownership, non-state-owned shareholders are liable to decrease angency cost to improve governance efficiency. Controlling the influence of related factors, listed companies who are subjected to financial restatements are more likely to get modified auditing opinions, which indicates that the auditors are competent. However, when a listed company is about to experience financial restatements, local auditors have a significantly lower possibility in offering modified auditing opinions than that of unlocal auditors, indicating that auditors’ independence are negatively related to their geo-conncetion.
Keywords: Financial Restatements, Corporate Governance, Ownership Struture, Independent Audit



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