发布时间:2009-12-8    浏览次数:9857    【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】


 关键词:公允价值 财务会计概念框架 制度经济学 会计环境
Michael Chatfield pointed out in his famous book “A History of Accounting Thought” that “the fundamental improvements in accounting theory will begin with changes in asset measurement procedure. Already theoretical emphasis has shifted from acquisition cost to current value in measuring financial position, and from income realization at the point of sale to recognition of profits as soon as measurements can be made objectively .”
The development of accounting principles and accounting practices has so far endorsed Mr. Chatfield’s conclusion thirty years ago. Historical Cost, as a major measurement attribute, is fading away while Fair Value is replacing historical cost and becoming the focus of accounting measurement theory. Various researches on Fair Value, from characteristics to valuation techniques, from accounting objectives to qualitative characteristics of accounting information, from the effect on accounting statements to possible economic consequences, have been conducted. All in all, Fair Value measurement has launched a major revolution on accounting theory rather than intensifying the competition among measurement attributes.
As early as in 1950s′, the concept of Fair Value was applied in measurement of intangible assets. However, it is not until the explosion of financial instruments, which entail much larger degree of financial loss and unpredictable risk, has made Fair Value the most important measurement attribute and enter its golden era. According to some statistics, since 1990, Fair Value is not limited to measurement of financial instruments but a general measurement attribute. since 1990, among the statement of financial accounting standards of FASB, more than 70% are about Fair Value; while among those of IASB, it is more than 50%.
From 1997 to 2006, the application of Fair Value Accounting has experienced ups and downs in China. With rapid development of China′s economy and improvements in China′s capital market, the accounting standards have shown a trend of convergence between China and other countries. Fair Value was once again listed as one of measurement attributes in the accounting standards promulgated in 2006 and to be a major measurement attribute of financial instruments. Therefore, theoretical fundamentals, potential economic consequences and accounting environment make Fair Value Accounting a subject that requires extensive research.
This dissertation, by using normative research method, consists of the following components:
In Chapter 1, the author gives the general introduction to research background of Fair Value Accounting by describing the history, development and current situation. The author introduces the research objectives from two perspectives: theory and practice. The author summarizes some articles and papers into three aspects: accounting theory, statements of accounting standards and economic consequence at home and abroad. Finally, the author explains research method and framework and emphasizes the potential innovative ideas presented in this dissertation and the area to be further improved.
In Chapter 2, the author outlines an overview of the development of Fair Value Accounting from its origin to current state. Within this framework, the author points out that development of market economy, information preference of the investors, and improvement of measurement techniques for Fair Value are the three main factors that affect the development of Fair Value Accounting. In addition, the policy inclination of SEC and FASB and the convergence of economics theory and accounting theory play important roles in this process. Thus, the author concludes that accounting environment not only is critical to the future development and success of Fair Value Accounting, but also serves as important criteria for measuring the suitableness of Fair Value Accounting.
In Chapter 3, the author introduces the evolution of the concept of Fair Value and characteristics of it. The chapter analyzes the main characteristics of Fair Value with a focus on accounting analysis on it within the conceptual framework of financial accounting. Through meticulous comparison between Fair Value and accounting objectives, qualitative characteristics of accounting information, assets, income and recognition, the author elaborates fully on the accounting nature of Fair Value as well as logic relations between Fair Value and the above concept. Through these efforts, the paper attempts to explore a conceptual framework embedded with Fair Value on a rigorous logic basis.
In Chapter 4, the author, from the standpoint of New Institutional Economics, visualizes the extension of Fair Value Accounting from accounting field to economic area, explores the stimulus for its further development, and points out the potential effect on agency relationship. In this chapter, the author, mainly from the perspective of the demand and supply of institutions, analyzes Primary Action Group, Secondary Action Group, ideology and technology, and then concludes that the recognition of Fair Value Accounting as the major measurement attribute in the accounting standards of financial instrument is the naturally organic product of institutional change. In addition to major motivations such as decreasing risk and reaping benefits, political system, ideology, and path-dependency are all very important to the development of Fair Value Accounting. Based on Agency Theory, the author reaches three conclusions: Firstly, Fair Value affects Agency by its valuation techniques. If valuation techniques deviate from market information, it will aggregate the information asymmetry and increase the morale risk of the management team. Secondly, the scope of using Fair Value Accounting as a measurement is limited by associated accounting environment. If good incentive system exists and related market price information is easily available, manager market will be completely competitive and the use of Fair Value Accounting will not necessarily attribute to speculation. Thirdly, because of the existence of inefficient market and principal-agency problems, the balance between interrelationship and reliability will never reach the end and will always be a factor affecting the application of Fair Value Accounting.
In Chapter 5, the author addresses the economic consequences of Fair Value Accounting and concludes that accounting standard setting is based not only on technology standards but also on accounting environment. Though Fair Value can be well incorporated into a logic conceptual framework, the issue whether its so-called theoretical advantages meet the need of accounting environment still needs further study. And at last the author generalizes some recommendation on how to apply Fair Value Accounting in China, giving some support to accounting theory research and application.
This dissertation is written in a purpose to explore the characteristics and related information of Fair Value Accounting. Also, the author performed some analysis from accounting and economics standpoint. The author attempts to analyze the economic consequence from multiple angle, to construct a complete accounting system from accounting environment to accounting theory, then to accounting practice, and then back to accounting environment, and to disclose the relations between Fair Value and accounting environment. All in all, the author is mainly trying to provide some constructive ideas to improve Fair Value accounting standards and to support the application of Fair Value in China.
Key words: Fair Value, Conceptual framework of financial accounting, New Institutional Economics, Accounting environment


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