发布时间:2009-12-18    浏览次数:5460    【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】

In the capital market of the growing accounting information distortion, CPA (Certified Public Accountant) without doubt plays a important role to clarify the accounting information. As a economic tie connecting listed companies with CPA, audit fee has been given more abundant connotation. It has great impact on audit fee that whether or not listed companies commit financial fraud and listed companies and CPA commit collusive fraud. On the other hand, the quantity of audit fee is a important factor that is considered by listed companies of financial fraud and CPA of collusive fraud. Therefore, with the environment of regulatory mechanism of Government being imperfect, law being imperfect, the lack of professional ethics, the cases of financial fraud being growingly exposed to the surface of iceberg, it is necessary to research empirically audit fee revolving around the listed companies of financial fraud. The research can provide us a new way to govern financial fraud. I choose this current topic based on this point.
The Creative opinions of the dissertation consist of three aspects. Firstly, applying game theory to research financial fraud, it establishes the game theory framework of financial fraud systematically and comprehensively. Secondly, designing a criterion to define collusive fraud strictly, it classifies financial fraud companies and collusive fraud companies by some criterion. Thirdly, from financial fraud perspective, it testes the significance of IfFra and IfClud for audit fee and provides a new way to govern the financial fraud. At the same time, it lies some limitation. There is inconsistency between dynamic game model of listed companies and CPA and the one-step return of IfClud for audit fee.
The dissertation focuses on the empirical research of audit fee of the game theory framework of financial fraud, and takes it as the core clue of researches. Firstly, it establishes systematically and comprehensively static game model of listed companies and supervision institution of government, dynamic game model of listed companies and CPA from the perspective of game theory. They form the game theory framework of financial limitation fraud, getting Nash Equilibrium Solution and giving the theoretical supports of the dissertation. Secondly, it matches the listed companies of financial fraud with the listed companies based on controlling some variables. It testes the significance of IfFra for audit fee.Thirdly, It testes the significance of IfClud for audit fee with the sample of financial fraud companies. Lastly, it presents some policy proposals based on the conclusion of the dissertation.
It consists of five parts. The first part introduces the reasons of this dissertation, research perspective, research objective, structure, research method, theories used in the dissertation, neatening domestic and overseas literature.
The second part establishes static game model of listed companies and supervision institution of government for complete information and gets the Nash equilibrium. It also establishes dynamic game model of listed companies and CPA for incomplete information and get the sub-game perfect Nash equilibrium. Therefore, the two models consist the game theory framework of financial fraud.
The third part matches the listed companies with the listed companies of financial fraud and analyzes empirically audit fee of them by use of the data of Chinese listed companies. It forms audit fee measurement model based on the Simunic model and tests the significance of IfFra for audit fee. It comes to a conclusion that the audit fee paid by listed companies of financial fraud is much more than listed companies does..
The fourth part tests the significance of IfClud for audit fee. It comes to a conclusion that the audit fee paid out by listed companies of collusive fraud is much less than listed companies of financial fraud. It explains the conclusion from the perspective of scale of accounting firms.
The fifth part summarizes the main conclusions of the dissertation and presents some policy proposals. The conclusions consist of three aspects. Firstly, we should improve the supervision authority of financial fraud, enhancing degree of supervision, increasing times of supervision, building up the govern way of establishing the mechanism of prestige rating and reward of CPA. Secondly, we should further perfect the disclosure system of audit fee and strengthen disclosure the detailed item of audit fee. Thirdly, we should foster the soft cultural, cultivating honest culture of listed companies and professional ethics of CPA.
Key words: Audit Fee, Financial Fraud, Collusive Fraud, Game Theory


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