发布时间:2009-12-18    浏览次数:7362    【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】
关键词:企业战略 战略业绩评价 评价体系 评价指标 综合评价模型

Competition among business entities has become more and more severe since 1970s. Beside the concern over current existence, companies must focus more upon future development and have a strategic vision to the long-term strategic objectives. This has accelerated the transformation of strategic management from theory to practice. The key factors that determine the survival and development of modern business entities include both the exactitude of the strategy and the proper implementation of that strategy by managements. Strategic performance measurement plays an important role in implementing business strategies. Through information feedback, managements can make proper adjustments and modifications to organizational strategy in time. It has been difficult for those conventional financial measures, which acted as a core of performance measurement system, to meet the new requirements of modern business strategic control. An updated performance measurement system that closely combines key performance indicators with strategic planning process must be established in order to beat the challenge. It is also important to match the performance measurement system with the organization’s strategic objectives, and take the organization’s entire future vision into account, in order to support the realization of value-maximizing goal and improve the core competence of the organization.
The evolution of performance measurement theory and practice in western countries has experienced three phases: cost performance measurement, financial performance measurement, and strategic performance measurement period. The establishment of Standard Cost System and Variance Analysis System symbolizes the top development of cost performance measurement. For the first time costing is combined with forecast and control by performance measurement system and cost control is realized. This has improved productivity greatly. The most representative measurement system during financial performance measurement period is DuPont System, and financial measures play a leading role. New creative models arise during strategic performance measurement period. Performance Pyramid, Balanced Scorecard, Economic Value-added, and Performance Prism are still being taken into effect among business organizations in practice. Theorists and practitioners have been striving to make better use of these models.
The performance measurement practice in China has experienced an environmental transition from planned economy to market economy. Accordingly, the major concerns of performance measurement have been focused on product volume and product value, profit margin, economic structure and efficiency, social contribution, and the entire performance of an organization. However, there are still unsolved problems. This include: (1) Departure of strategy setting and strategy performing. (2) Lack communication between business units or departments. (3) Focusing only on financial measures and short-term effects, hence ignoring the effect of non-financial measures. (4) Use of information technology and quantitative measures could not ensure satisfactory operating results. The construction of organizational culture needs to be enhanced. (5) Lack unified information as to the entire organization’s performance and proper analytic approach, hence the usefulness of performance information is weakened.
This research aims at establishing a Strategic Performance Measurement System that is efficient for use in the reforming organizations in China. This performance measurement system is intended to provide information for the designers and conductors of an organization’s strategy. It also helps to execute strategy-oriented management control and parallels the goals and actions of strategy designers, conductors, internal business units, and employees. This will improve and sustain the core competence of an organization.
Strategic performance measurement is a component of Management Accounting. It also involves other disciplines such as Economics, Management, Accounting, Marketing, and Human Resource Management. The methodology of this research include literature review, comparative and taxonomic method, analytical and integrative method, epagogic and deduction method, and empirical research. The approach, main conclusions and innovations are presented as follows.
First, definitions and recent research status of strategic performance measurement. The related concepts include Performance, Business Performance and Strategic Performance Measurement. The role of strategic performance is to link strategic planning and strategy implementation. The context from which strategic performance measurement arises is also discussed. By literature review three areas about strategic performance measurement are found. They are: (1) Research about the role and function of performance measurement information; (2) Performance measurement models that mainly contain financial measures---cybernetic view; (3) Strategic performance measurement models that integrate financial and non-financial measures---Holistic view. Both research fields come down to the role of performance measurement, measurement system design, performance measurement models and their effects to the organization. Based upon the latest research results of western countries, academics research about performance measurement in China has been keeping in line with international level.
Second, theoretic basis of this research. Strategic performance measurement system is established upon a series of economics and management theories. Agency theory portrays the aim of performance measurement. Stakeholder theory forms the standpoints of measurement. Cybernetic theory states that business strategic performance measurement system plays an important part in management control system, yet it poses a complete control process by itself. It is a combination of feedback control, synchronic control and pre-feedback control. Contingency theory acquires strategic performance measurement system break the limitation of traditional static state of performance measurement pattern. Behavioral theory demands a more important status for human factor in strategic performance measurement system. Incentive theory lodges further requirements to the scientific nature of strategic performance measurement system. Finally, strategic management theory forms the theoretic basis of strategic performance measurement on the one hand, and leads business organizations to bring performance measurement system into strategic management course on the other hand. The long-term objectives of the organization can be realized by putting performance measurement mechanism in force.
Third, the subject, object, and objectives of strategic performance measurement. Strategic performance measurement system is composed of subject of measurement, object of measurement, objectives of measurement, evaluation indicators, evaluation standards, evaluation methods, and measurement reports. By comparing the context of solo-subject view which concentrates only on stockholders and the multi-subject view which involves different classes of stakeholders, the necessity of narrowing down subject of measurement is revealed. With the consideration of the strategic characteristics, strategic performance measurement should belong to one of the internal business management activities with an aim of realizing strategic goal of the organization. Therefore, the subject of strategic performance measurement should be oriented as the designers and conductors of strategy inside a business organization. In other words, they are internal subjects who concern the demands of other stakeholders. When it comes to object of measurement, the distinction and relationship among performance of organizational level, department (or unit, group) level, and staff level must first be analyzed. The object of measurement in this research is addressed as the operating process and results of business strategy at both organizational level and strategic unit level. Furthermore, the characteristics of strategic units as carriers of business strategy are analyzed in detail. The objectivities of strategic performance measurement include the determination of Critical Success Factors and providing information about the comparative performance accomplishment indicator, and information about strategic control and strategic congruence.
Fourth, designing the framework of strategic performance evaluation index system. The quality characteristics of strategic performance indictors include relevance, objectivity, understandability and timeliness. The basic principles of index system design, which ensure the quality characteristics of performance indicators, include goal congruence, contingency, feasibility and equilibrium. The equilibrium between financial and non-financial indicators, quantitative and qualitative indictors, leading and lagging indicators, internal and external indicators is newly addressed by this research based on previous works of this area. The general framework of strategic performance evaluation index system should meet the needs of controllability and integrality, and break down to different levels according to the control structure. The general framework designed by this research includes financial and non-financial measures. Financial measures start with Economic Value Added. Combined with traditional financial measures there are 22 indicators in total. Non-financial measures indicate customer and market ability, internal business process, employee and innovation ability, corporate governance ability, the relations with government and community, and the relations with suppliers. For the six dimensions there are 46 non-financial indicators totally. Companies can choose indicators that suit their own characters by referring to this framework. The definitions of indicators and their pros and cons are also illustrated in this research.
Fifth, setting strategic performance evaluation standards. The basic principles of standard setting include action-leading, acceptability, incentive, relative accuracy and dynamic. The accessible performance evaluation standards include historical standard, budget/forecast standard, industry standard and competitive standard. The standard setting should start with an understanding of organization’s strategic goal and strategic plans, base on the key performance indicators from the evaluation index system, analysis the historical data of the organization and related data from the same industry and competitors. The forecasted standard that affects the organization’s performance should also be generated through analysis to the organization’s operating context, resources, and capability. The strategic performance measurement standard system should be one that is strategic goal-oriented, forecast-based, and adjusted according to any changes in competition environment and operation context.
Sixth, choosing performance evaluation methods. Comprehensive evaluation methods that based on multiple index system should be chosen. A function among evaluation indicators, standards and results should be set, and a conclusion made through calculation of indicators. Quantitative measures can be scored by Comprehensive Index Method or Effective-Coefficient Method. Qualitative measures can be scored by Factor Weight-Making Method. The difficulties in comprehensive evaluation methods include data assimilation, non-measurement treatment, and weight-making. A comprehensive evaluation model that integrates Rough Set Theory and Entropy Method is established for strategic performance measurement. The common advantage of rough set and entropy methods is that both of them have overcome the subjectivity of evaluation in previous methods. They abandon expert-scoring method, which is a typical subjective approach and the result might be distorted by personal prejudice when selecting indicators and making weights for different measures. This model, to some extent, ensures an objective reflection to the real relations between measures and enhances the effectiveness of the comprehensive evaluation methods. Rough set method has a strong power in the deduction of data attributes, but is not good enough at weight-making. Entropy method has ready-for-use calculation techniques and the evaluation results can be easily accessed by using electronic software. Errors can also be easily estimated and accuracy of evaluation results can be sized-up. The shortage of entropy method is that it makes no indicator deduction. In this research, the comprehensive evaluation model uses rough set method to deduct measures in order that some measures of little effect can be deleted and the controllability of the measuring system can be improved. The weight-making task is then left to entropy method to complete the evaluation process.
Seventh, an empirical research using comprehensive evaluation model of rough set and entropy methods. 50 listed companies from electronic and information industry have been chosen for the study. The steps that followed are: calculating financial and non-financial measures according to the 2005 published annual reports, dispersing them with SPSS software, deducting indicators with rough set software named ROSETTA, making weights to the deducted indicators using entropy method by EXCEL, rating 50 listed companies based on the results to validate the effectiveness of this model. Calculation and analysis show that this comprehensive evaluation model is reasonable and feasible. Combining rough set and entropy methods and take non-financial measures into the model are both innovations of this research.
Eighth, an analysis to the environment of implementing strategic performance measurement system in China. Both external and internal environmental characters have been analyzed for the strategic management in business organizations of China. The issues of how to frame and implement strategy under changing policies, uncertain markets and various internal challenges are discussed. Three important factors must be emphasized. They are SWOT analysis, brand orientation, and value orientation. The keys to the strategic implementation are integrating organizational structure, removing organizational barriers, improving business processes, and paying more attention to the construction of organizational culture and the development of staff ability. It is concluded that an integrated strategic management framework based upon strategic performance measurement system can optimize the strategy setting process, help to implement strategies efficiently, and link strategy setting with strategy implementation.
Ninth, suggestions to the implementation of strategic performance measurement system in China. Four suggestions are addressed in this research. They are: (1) For business entities of different life cycles, different evaluation indicators should be chosen and weights of indictors adjusted accordingly. (2) Corporate governance structure influences the improvement of strategic performance in two ways: management incentives and social responsibilities, and how to compose the internal leadership system to ensure the validity and effectiveness of critical personnel appointment and other important decisions. Companies should figure out the various effects by different corporate governance principals in order to refine the corporate governance structure, and make good use of incentive compensation mechanism to improve managements’ performance. (3) The new organizational structure design focuses more on the enhancement of the adaptability to the environment. As an information feedback mechanism in strategic management system, strategic performance measurement system must provide both beforehand, in-course and ex post financial and non-financial information. Establishing coherent transverse and vertical relations inside organizations helps to gain success at differently structured organizations. (4) The characteristics of organizational culture have significant influence to an organization’s performance. The result of cultural assessment contributes to various valuable aims. It insights out the relationship between the change of organizational culture and strategic performance, thus helps to build people-oriented, positive organizational culture.
Further research can be cited amongst the following topics: (1) Research on result analysis which improves the practicality of strategic performance measurement system. (2) Sample data should be broadened when using comprehensive evaluation model based on rough set and entropy methods in future empirical research. More on-the-spot investigation should be conducted to gain first-hand information. Objective methods should be combined with subjective methods to pursue more feasible and persuasive comprehensive evaluation models. (3) At a time of knowledge economy, intangible asset plays an important role in the value creation of business entities. Intellectual capital should be included in the strategic performance measurement system, and future study should focus on its quantitative measurement. The evaluation of intellectual capital could reveal more facts in the value creation procedure, and reflect the strategic management idea of regarding human development as the core conduct. (4) Research on combining incentive mechanism and strategic performance measurement, especially the incentive system design based on specific evaluation standards. (5) Research on establishing sustainable development oriented strategic performance measurement system has emerged. This topic has a broad research vision. How to make the strategic performance measurement system design be in line with the sustainable development goal, and how to establish a sustainable development oriented multiple-objective performance measurement system, further studies are still under way.
Key words: Business Strategy   Strategic Performance Measurement Measurement System   Evaluation Indicators Comprehensive Evaluation Model


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