发布时间:2009-12-18    浏览次数:5218    【打印此页】  【关闭窗口】

The Executive Stock Option(ESO) is a kind of incentive system appeared in the middle of the 20th century, it entitles the senior company managers to purchase amount of the company’s stock at fixed price within the period set in advance. It matches the power of surplus control and the power of surplus share by allowing the executive to enjoy the surplus share, consequently makes the target function choice of the executive incline to maximize the shareholder’s benefits, lower the cost of the Clint-Agent effectively. This incentive system played an important role in promoting the development of the United States’new economy, especially in the growth of American high-tech companies. But a series of finance scandals broke out in the United States in recent years brought lots of controversy towards its accounting methods. With a series of revision and amendments, the latest main regulations about the accounting stipulation are SFAS123 issued by FASB and IFRS2 issued by IASB. Compared with the United States, in our country the Executive Stock Option started to appear lately, but it has a rapid development in recent years. In February 2006, China issued new Enterprise Accounting Standards including the 11th regulation –Share-based Payment, which borrows ideas from IFRS2 and fill the vacancy of the accounting regulation related, But our country’s standards lack of consideration from theoretical aspects during the solution of the accounting problem of the ESO, leaving some room to improve. Based on this consideration, the research objective of this article is the accounting problem of the Executive Stock Option .
The article discusses the latest accounting treatment of the Executive Stock Option at abroad and domestic, as well as the rationality and deficiency of the new accounting standards by using the canonical research methods, directed by the basic accounting theories. Furthermore, this article expects to perfect our country’s accounting treatment about the executive stock option from the following four aspects.
1Based on elementary accounting recognition theories, started from the economic essence of stock options, discusses the accounting attribute choice of accounting objects involved in the Executive Stock Option accounting;
2Based on the treatment of Asset-Liability, started from the strength of the relevance of the accounting information, redesigns the expense method of the stock option transfer;
3Based on the above documents, explores the aftermath and terminal recognition of the stock opinion;
4By analyzing several measurement attributes of the stock option, elaborates the necessity and the feasibility of using the fair-value measurement attribute to measure the ESO, and establishes the fair-value pricing mode of the ESO which is suitable for present practice of China.
Key words: Stock option; Recognition; Measurement; Fair-value


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